When you see a child every day, the changes are not so noticeable....when you see them every other month, it is as if they have been transformed. But, one thing has stayed consistent with the children at Foyer des Petits Demunis, they have always had the ability to smile...and to melt your heart!Over the past year, we have had children come and go at the orphanage. Some have come while their parent(s) look for a better living situation, jobs and suitable housing and have since returned to their biological homes. At one point, there were 38 children living at the home. This was a bit too many, as the house was not big enough and it was a financial stretch to feed and care for all of the children. In the past month or so, many children have returned to their biological homes. The children now living at the orphanage are in various stages of getting their paperwork completed for adoption. It is the intent of Jeanel, the director, that each child in his care and unable to return to their biological home, be adopted. It is our prayer that families will be found for each of them. Our relationship with Foyer des Petits Demunis is changing from one which provides much financial support for the daily operations of the orphanage to one that is facilitating adoptions of the children from the orphanage. We are still very strongly involved with Foyer des Petits Demunis, but our intent was never to "run" the orphanage, as Jeanel does an excellent job in this capacity. Our prayer is continue being used to find adoptive homes for the children at Foyer des Petits Demunis.
When I count my blessings of the past year, one stands high above the others. This is the blessing of having known each child, even in the short time I may have known them. Each child is so beautiful, so precious and so amazing. I pray for safety, protection and good health to the children that have left the orphanage. I pray for forever families for those that have remained.

June, 2010
May, 2011
October, 2010
May, 2011

June, 2010
May, 2011