A Look Back...

Note: This is the first of a series of posts that will look back over our time spent in Haiti, provide transparency into what is going on presently and look to the future of this ministry.

June 2011 marks our one year anniversary involvement in Haiti through God's Children in Haiti. And what a year of miracles it has been! II want to say thank you for your prayers, your financial support and your dedication to this ministry.

When I arrived in Leogane' and entered the gates of the orphanage, I remember thinking, "these children are not going to make it another day like this!" I remember purchasing a generator for electricity and the dancing and singing that erupted when the power came on. I remember the first evening, as I headed to our tent and realized that all of the children were falling asleep outside, on the ground, too afraid to sleep in what was still standing of their orphange building. I remember looking at the flattened neighboring buildings, buildings that were once two stories high, now reduced to rubble not higher than myself.

I arrived back in the states with an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. How could I possibly be of help to the children in Leogane'? How could I, from Minnesota, give them what they need to stay alive, to become healthy? Little did I know I would not be doing it alone. Over the past year I have been constantly reminded of God's faithfulness through the community of believers. When I have asked, you have answered.

As I reflect on the past 12 months, I am humbled by the generosity shown by those who were moved into action. Below are just some of the many things that have been provided, through your generosity:

-Rental of a building to provide safety and shelter. Multiple paintings throughout the year to clean up after all those dirty little fingerprints. A fenced in area on the roof for play, relaxing, hanging of laundry and private study time. A well that is deep enough to provide water coupled with water purification systems.

-A pick up to transport the children and guests when they visit. It has also been used on the daily 4 hour trips to and from Port au Prince for adoption related appointments.

-Medical care, including a physician's visit, many medicines, payment for hospital stays and clinic visits.

-Cribs for the babies and toddlers, stack-able beds for the younger children and cots for the bigger children and nannies. Blankets for all!

-School tuition, books and uniforms.
-Food, including high nutrition rice mixture, high protein peanut butter mix, much formula and cereal.
-Clothes. -Diapers.-Toys.-A computer for Jeanel, the orphanage director. -Burial costs for two children and one nanny.-Beds for the spare room for guests.-A television for the children to watch videos on.

I wish that each of you could see the faces, hear the laughter, receive the gratitude of the children when each gift has been given. And, even though I realize it is not has good as hearing it first hand, please understand that your generosity has been greatly, greatly appreciated! -Amy


It probably goes without saying that I believe very strongly in adoption. I believe it is a God-ordained, God-directed process that ultimately places a child in a family. Having a family trumps everything else. For a child that truly cannot return to their biological family, because of life's circumstances, death of a parent, inability to parent or by parental choice...adoption gives this child what he so desperately desires....a family.

Is the process easy? No

Is it the best answer for the child? No, being able to stay with the biological family would be the best answer.

Is it sometimes hard for the biological family, the child and the adoptive parents? Yes

Does God have His hand in it? Yes. "God sets the lonely into families." (Psalm 68:6)

Is it Biblical? Yes. "Pure religion our Father considers pure and faultless is this; to care for widows and orphans..." (James 1:27)

There are over 143 million orphaned and abandoned children in the world. Adoption steps to the forefront of caring for them....one child at a time. God's Children Adoption Agency, Inc. will continue to advocate for these children....God's Children in Haiti will continue to advocate for the orphaned children in Haiti.

Because of the need for families, we are now accepting adoptive families throughout the United States. Please refer to the adoption section for more information. If God is calling you to adoption, please consider answering His call.

An Amazing Event!

Our countdown was completed and today I feel like I'm missing something to do! It has been such a blessing to share the faces of our children with you, in preparation for the Jason Gray concert held on April 29th. The event was awesome!

Thank you to all who attended and the blessings, both prayerful and financial, that were given to God's Children in Haiti. Thank you to the people who did the leg work to make this happen! (Deb, Kristin, Anita, Shelly, Alison, ROCK ministries, etc...) Thank you to Jason Gray for being so real, so entertaining and such an advocate for our ministry.

Did I mention it was an amazing event?