
It probably goes without saying that I believe very strongly in adoption. I believe it is a God-ordained, God-directed process that ultimately places a child in a family. Having a family trumps everything else. For a child that truly cannot return to their biological family, because of life's circumstances, death of a parent, inability to parent or by parental choice...adoption gives this child what he so desperately desires....a family.

Is the process easy? No

Is it the best answer for the child? No, being able to stay with the biological family would be the best answer.

Is it sometimes hard for the biological family, the child and the adoptive parents? Yes

Does God have His hand in it? Yes. "God sets the lonely into families." (Psalm 68:6)

Is it Biblical? Yes. "Pure religion our Father considers pure and faultless is this; to care for widows and orphans..." (James 1:27)

There are over 143 million orphaned and abandoned children in the world. Adoption steps to the forefront of caring for child at a time. God's Children Adoption Agency, Inc. will continue to advocate for these children....God's Children in Haiti will continue to advocate for the orphaned children in Haiti.

Because of the need for families, we are now accepting adoptive families throughout the United States. Please refer to the adoption section for more information. If God is calling you to adoption, please consider answering His call.